Yesterday I toured some of the neighborhoods here in Nakuru to assess the damage and see how some friends were doing. What we have found is hard for me to express.
I never imagined Nakuru sinking into the chaos that has engulfed it. Certainly I could ignore it if I wanted to. Downtown is virtually unaffected. In fact tension is about the only thing you notice in the town center. There is not even a heavy police presence, except when you see trucks of them rushing off to one of the neighborhoods.
Thankfully God has put a spirit in me and my partners that will not allow us to stay downtown. We checked on some people, and took a look at the damage. Some places have escaped without any major conflict, looting, or killings. Other places not so lucky.
I was unable to visit a few neighborhoods. Seems that the residents are stoning vehicles to keep the police out. Fear and suspicion rule the day here. Neighbors have turned on neighbors and armed gangs are running about causing havoc. Of course not everyone has sunk to this cave man attitude about members of other tribes. We hear stories of neighbors banding together despite ethnic differences to protect each other.
The innocent are getting caught up in what I would describe as tribal conflict between Kikuyus, Luos, and the Kalenjin. I have a friend who is Kissi. In his neighborhood he is a minority. Luos and Kikuyus outnumber his tribe, but do not have numbers large enough to oust each other. Each tribe, Luo and Kikuyu formed security squads to patrol at night. My friend was approached by both sides, but he told me he did not know what to do. Joining any of them would pit him against the others, and ultimately endanger his wife and daughter. Rape is common in these attacks, and the assailants do not care how old or how young you are.
He eventually found himself in a gang of masked and armed men. He did not speak the language they spoke, and told me he spent the night in fear. He told me that he could not believe this was Kenya.
I also cannot believe what is happening. I pray that peace will return, and we can begin the process of reconciliation.
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