Some one recently said to me, "It looks like on your blog and FB all you do is work on The Shire and cook. Why would anyone give to your project?"
I thought that I would expound a little bit on this statement so you can see the importance of just cooking and shire work.
Firstly, a little history. Johnny & I moved to Kenya to make a difference. After two years of preaching, teaching, and trying to make a difference in the typical missionary fashion, we realized that it wasn't working. We knew we needed to just do it and be an example ourselves. We had to be willing to walk the talk and so we took in orphans into our personal home expanding our family from just the five of us at that time to sixteen, and ultimately, I believe, we are changing the face of how orphan care should be done.
I'm a passionate person. I want my children to learn in every aspect of daily living. I cook everything from scratch, (being that it is for 16 people means it's like preparing for a party EVERY meal), so I talk about it often! I teach my kids how to make and eat healthy, delicious, whole foods! So my cooking jabber IS an integral part of giving my huge family, especially our orphans-no-more who came to us malnourished years ago, a bright future, IMO.
As far as the work on The Shire goes, I am focused right now on it because I believe it is where we are headed. It has endless possibilities for growing food to expanding the amount of people we help, and providing a more sustainable lifestyle. I want to empower our children with the ability to build, to be creative, to learn to live off the land... I hope they all have more than they need when they are grown, but teach a child to fish...
*Camping on The Shire with some of our children, and learning how to build from the earth.
Perhaps our project isn't as appealing visually as those who have loads of money to spend on advertising.
But one thing I know, we ARE making a huge difference in the lives of these children because they are our LIFE. We don't live separately. We are personally filling in the gap that they are missing-- Parents.
As far as the future goes? Each day is a new day. We never stop loving people. I'm focused on my fourteen kids right now and getting The Shire inhabitable. After that, I'm open to whatever it is this journey takes me. One thing is certain- I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty.
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