Let's admit it. I am not very conventional in the way I do things.
Most people I know do things the 'way they are supposed to be done!' and I tend to just do things 'my way.'
I hope you can follow along our adventure and enjoy the difference we bring to the world...
We do not do missions like other missionaries. Adopting orphans and raising them in our home instead of building an orphanage is one example of our unconventional ways....
Giving birth to my kids at home... also not the norm. Raising my kids in a mud barn in Africa... so totally normal. Right? Living off grid, harvesting the sun, the rain, and using the land should be normal, but still... it isn't.
Doing horse assisted therapy in AFRICA?! Also totally not the norm, which is why it is much needed...
Can you see a theme?? We tend to be non-institutional.. With that said...
Why would I want to do the normal missionary thing by going to churches and institutions and asking for funds like most missionaries?? I really feel deeply in my soul that I should follow my heart and go to people's homes.
Fundraising can be a boring chore, and I NEED to make it fun. F.U.N. Can we not have little parties at people's houses?? Pretty Please?
Would you mind hosting a dinner party where guests can possible pay for the meal and proceeds go to AFAAH? Or maybe I can raffle items from Africa, too? Or if you have a better idea, I am all ears. But if you want to help, all you need to do is say so. I can give you photos and information to print to have on hand, and then I can come and chatter away with peeps. Heck, we can just chill and sing songs around a fire... I don't care, but I want to visit homes not institutions, if possible.
I also need folks to come to me. I can only travel so much and so far... I hope to go to S.E. Texas. Sacramento and Fresno areas of CA, and then the East coast... NY, CT, Penn, AR, and back down to TX... If you could try to come to me in any of those areas, that would help a lot!! I have six weeks to travel across the massive US of A with a toddler and a teenager!
So please contact me if you want to help! I am already a bit overwhelmed by this adventure! I can't believe it is actually happening!
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